Money Saving Date Nights That You’ll Both Love
26.04.2019 by Jack H

Over the years, your relationship will have been through many great things; you could have bought your first house together, got married, and had children, but it also might have seen many struggles, including financial. This financial strain can affect any good relationship, and as a result, you will have had to sacrifice a lot of things that make the two of you happy. Help is at hand with our guide to money-saving date nights!
Getting that much needed healthy relationship back is a must for any couple going through this struggle. While this may not seem possible because of money troubles, there are solutions to help you through this difficult time, and no, it isn’t just as simple as taking out a regular loan from the bank. There are options for you that can help your life still run smoothly but can help relieve the burden of paying those outstanding bills, and that can fill your cupboards for the week.
You need to have some fun again as a couple!
Fun? What is this? You ask; it may have been a while since you have experienced a little bit of fun for yourselves and you may feel like you don’t know how to anymore and could be worried about how expensive this could be. However, going on a fun date night doesn’t have to be expensive, so you don’t have to feel guilty about taking some time for yourselves and just having a good time.
To help you out, there are plenty of money-saving dates that you both will love.
Go on a picnic
One of the most romantic, yet simple dates that you could have is going on a picnic. Pack a picnic basket with all your favourite snacks, grab a blanket and find a wonderful spot with a fabulous view. For an even more romantic date, sit out on a summer’s evening to watch the sunset, and continue it into a night under the stars.
Get baking in the kitchen
This one doesn’t even involve leaving your own home, and you could have a blast getting creative in the kitchen. Baking is a great way to bond with each other, so be prepared to get a little messy, especially if there is flour involved. Your whole family will appreciate the baked goods you make, and you could find that you both learn something about each other, such as if your other half is a secretly good baker.
Games night
Another great stay at home date you can have that won’t involve you spending any more money is having a games night. You can dig out the old Scrabble board, get into an argument about the incorrect word your spouse has put down and laugh about it after when you try to do the same. Other games that are great to play are:
- Jenga
- Yahtzee
- Monopoly
You’ll find yourselves having a blast and that it is a great way to engage with each other and grow your relationship, so you should try to do it as often as you can.
Movie night
Once the kids are in bed or at your parents, a date could involve something as simple as a bowl of popcorn and blankets, snuggled on the sofa watching a movie. This could be a movie you already own, but you haven’t watched in ages, a special movie that you both love or could you rent or buy one of the latest releases that you missed while it was at the cinema.
Bike ride
Getting outdoors is great for your health, and it could also be a great way to bond with your other half. There are lots of different safe cycle routes that you can show you a scenic view of where you live. If you’re feeling brave, you could hire a tandem bike which will test your abilities to trust and help each other.
Go on a walk or a hike
Another great way to enjoy the outside and each other’s company is to go on a walk; this could be as easy as just around your local neighbourhood. If you’re keen to push yourselves to try something new, you could find a hiking route to take; you’ll both see it as a great achievement that you did together.
Take a drive
By taking out a logbook loan from, you are lucky to still have access to your car which you will use for many errands you need to run during the week or getting you to and from work. However, you probably didn’t think that you could use it for a date purpose. You could take a drive to explore an area of your city you haven’t visited before and view it as a tourist would. Driving around is the best opportunity to chat with each other in a casual setting that you’re both comfortable in, so turn up your music and bring back that spark. Remember the only thing you’re going to have to pay for, is the petrol.
Go to the beach
The beach is a great place to have a date, you could take a romantic stroll along the coast, or get fish and chips and sit on the beach watching the waves splash against the sand or you could have a laugh in the arcades using some coppers to try your luck at the arcade machines.
Start a new hobby together
Nothing will bring you closer than having something that you both will bond over. You could dedicate one night a week to doing a hobby you both enjoy. The opportunity that starting a new hobby will see you growing as a couple but is beneficial for you individually as you now have another goal of improving your skills in your new hobby.
Some hobby ideas include:
- Tennis
- Photography
- Rock Climbing
- Yoga
- Dancing
Another way you could bond with each over a hobby is by working out together, this could be at the gym or home. Encouraging each other will strengthen the bond between you too and get you fit and healthy at the same time.
If you’re looking for something that you can do as a couple out of the house, and that doesn’t involve being outdoors, going to a museum is the perfect choice for you. There are many museums all over the country that offer free entry, so you could make a day of it and learn something interesting too.
At-home spa
A spa sounds like one of the most romantic dates that you could have, but it is expensive for you both to fully enjoy the experience. A way that you can enjoy a spa and save money is to make your own at-home spa. For many couples, they may actually find that this is a more enjoyable and fun experience because you are in your own environment. You could light candles, help each other do a face mask and have a bubble bath. Giving each other a massage will increase the intimacy between you two and best of all you will both feel relaxed without having to spend hundreds of pounds.
Sometimes it’s the simplest of dates that will stay with you forever, a night under the stars looking at the constellations is not only going to save you money but it is going to be something you remember for years to come rather than a date to the cinema or out for food. Take a blanket outside, lie down, and see what you can find littered across the sky.
Quiz each other
At the beginning of your relationship, you will have asked each other a lot of questions while getting to know each other, so just because you are years into your relationship, it doesn’t mean that you still can’t do this. In fact, it should be encouraged because you two might have changed over the years without you even realising. This is a fantastic way to get to know each other all over again which is sure to increase the bond between you and create a healthier relationship.
But most of all...
The main thing you will want to achieve from these money-saving dates is to increase the bond between you and your spouse. You should be able to create some amazing memories, and the best thing is that you don’t have to feel guilty at all for enjoying some time for yourselves when you are struggling with your finances.
By taking out a loan like this, you should feel the stress lifted from you, and this means you can start focusing on your relationship again. If you are keen to maintain a healthy relationship with your partner or get that spark back that you feel has been lost because of the burden of finances and stresses that come with life, you need to dedicate some time to yourselves.